Tournament Events

775: 1775 JAM: Jamsumo
8XX: 18xx JCY: John Company
930: 1930: The Golden Age of Airlines KOT: King of Tokyo
7WS: 7 Wonders KRM: Kremlin
7WD: 7 Wonders Duel LAS: Las Vegas
878: 878 Vikings LLM: Leaping Lemmings
WAW: A World at War LID: Liar's Dice
AOA: Ace of Aces LWD: Lords of Waterdeep
ACQ: Acquire LST: Lost Cities
ASZ: Across Suez LRA: Lost Ruins of Arnak
ADV: Adel Verpflichtet MBT: MBT
ACV: Advanced Civilization MMS: March Madness
ASK: Advanced Squad Leader Starter Kit MED: Medici
AFK: Afrika Korps M44: Memoir '44
AOR: Age of Renaissance MOV: Merchant of Venus
AGR: Agricola MMA: Monsters Menace America
ABN: Air Baron NAW: Napoleon at Waterloo
ALH: Alhambra NVW: Naval War
AMR: Amun Re NVG: Navegador
AKN: Ark Nova ORL: Orleans
ACS: Atlantic Storm PZB: Panzerblitz
ATS: Attack Sub POG: Paths of Glory
AUC: Auction PDT: Paydirt
AUT: Automobile PRC: Pirate's Cove
AZL: Azul PGD: Power Grid
B17: B-17 PGF: Pro Golf
BCY: Battle Cry PRO: Puerto Rico
BAT: Battle Line QQK: Quirky Quarks
BFG: Battle for Germany RA!: Ra!
BAR: Battles of the American Revolution RDG: Ra: The Dice Game
BSN: Beyond the Sun RFG: Race for the Galaxy
BWD: Bitter Woods ROW: Railways of the World
BKS: Bleeding Kansas ROR: Republic of Rome
BRV: Border Reivers RRY: Robo Rally
BXC: Boxcars ROT: Root
BRS: Brass RRR: Russian Railroads
BKN: Breakout Normandy SAG: Sagrada
BRI: Britannia SPG: Saint Petersburg
CNS: Can't Stop SJN: San Juan
CAR: Carcassonne SFR: Santa Fe Rails
CAS: Cascadia SCY: Scythe
COB: Castles of Burgundy SKG: Sekigahara
CMK: Castles of Mad King Ludwig SMW: Small World
CTN: Catan SBS: Space Base
C&K: Catan: Cities & Knights SSP: Space Station: Phoenix
CFR: Championship Formula Racing SPD: Splendor
CTR: Charioteer SQL: Squad Leader
CMS: Circus Maximus SRM: Star Wars Outer Rim
CBC: Combat Commander SWR: Star Wars Rebellion
CCN: Commands & Colors: Napoleonics QGB: Star Wars: Queen's Gambit
CCS: Commands & Colors: Samurai Battles SCC: Stock Car Championship Racing
CNC: Concordia STA: Stone Age
CQP: Conquest of Paradise SOJ: Storm over Jerusalem
CRK: Crokinole SSB: Superstar Baseball
DIP: Diplomacy TFM: Terraforming Mars
DOM: Dominion TBE: The Barracks Emperors
DUN: Dune TNW: The Napoleonic Wars
DNI: Dune Imperium TRC: The Russian Campaign
EGZ: Egizia AGE: Through the Ages
ELG: El Grande THA: Thunder Alley
EPB: Empire Builder T&T: Thurn & Taxis
EIS: Enemy in Sight TTR: Ticket to Ride
E&T: Euphrat & Tigris TTN: Titan
EVD: Everdell TT2: Titan 2-Player
EVL: Evolution TTA: Titan the Arena
FI5: Facts in Five TAM: Transamerica
FIL: Fire in the Lake TWS: Twilight Struggle
5TR: Five Tribes TWR: Twilight Struggle: Red Sea
FBS: Football Strategy UNP: Union Pacific
FTP: For the People UPF: Up Front
FDE: Formula De VSD: Vegas Showdown
GXT: Galaxy Trucker V19: Versailles 1919
GSR: Gangsters VIP: Victory in the Pacific
GCA: Great Campaigns of the American Civil War VGQ: Virgin Queen
GWT: Great Western Trail WCB: Wabash Cannonball
HRC: Hannibal: Rome vs Carthage WAS: War at Sea
HET: Heat WOR: War of the Ring
HIS: Here I Stand WWR: Washington's War
HWD: History of the World WAT: Waterloo
IMS: Imperial Struggle WNW: Wilderness War
ING: Ingenious WPS: Win, Place, & Show
IOV: Innovation WSN: Wingspan
IVH: Ivanhoe WSM: Wooden Ships & Iron Men